Say goodbye to complexity and time-consuming design processes. With our 90+ pre-designed blocks, you can effortlessly create stunning, professional-grade layouts that not only save time but also elevate the quality of your projects.
ID | Order Number | Customer | Status | Amount | Payment Method | Shipping Address | Delivery At | |
1 | ORD001 | Alice Johnson | Pending | $150.75 | Credit Card | 123 Main St, Springfield | 2025-01-15 | |
2 | ORD002 | Bob Carter | Shipped | $250.00 | PayPal | 456 Elm St, Shelbyville | 2025-01-14 | |
3 | ORD003 | Clara Davis | Delivered | $300.50 | Bank Transfer | 789 Oak St, Capital City | 2025-01-12 | |
4 | ORD004 | David Edwards | Cancelled | $0.00 | Credit Card | 321 Pine St, Springfield | - | |
5 | ORD005 | Emma Foster | Processing | $175.25 | Cash on Delivery | 654 Maple St, Shelbyville | 2025-01-18 |
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simple CLI command.
Enjoy the same high-quality components whether you prefer TypeScript or JavaScript. Tailored for every developer's choice.
Highly extendable components with a simple and intuitive API. Built for your projects, ready to use.
import { AreaChart } from "ui"<AreaChart config={{ "revenue": { label: "Revenue", color: 'var(--color-indigo-500)' }, "expenses": { label: "Expenses", color: 'var(--color-sky-500)' } }} data={data} dataKey={"date"}/>
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Best suited for experienced developers and small teams.
Ideal for larger teams and organizations.