Justd Blocks Docs: Icons
Discover the best icon sets for your project, including Justd Icons, Feather, Heroicons, and Tabler Icons. Learn how to choose the perfect icons to match your design goals and aesthetics.
What Should I Use?
Choosing an icon set depends entirely on your preferences and the visual identity you want to create. Since this is your project, you have complete freedom to select an icon set that aligns with your design goals and aesthetics.
Justd Icons
Justd Blocks uses Justd Icons as its default icon set. Justd Icons is a collection of over 1,000 icons designed for seamless integration with Tailwind CSS. Licensed under the MIT License, it is free to use for any purpose, including commercial projects.
Try out Justd Icons by just installing the package:
Then, import the icons you need in your project: